integrated management
Doing the right things in the right order while avoiding reactionary practices is one of the most consistent executive challenges.
Beza integrated management solutions provide a single path forward, implementing the most essential, impactful executive and organizational disciplines.
Thought Leadership
Marshall Henley
Consulting with businesses of all sizes for 20 years, Marshall can quickly identify and support mitigation of the most pressing problems with the executive team. Ultimately, the right executive disciplines lead to a continue ability to determine and drive "the story of the business."

Prioritizing and supporting the organizational learning and change needed to implement the right disciplines is Marshall's expertise. Marshall is an entrepreneur and student of management. After a successful career in the technology education industry and later e-business through 2003 as both a leader and principal, Marshall branched into leadership coaching and analytics roles, eventually starting the forerunner of Beza Performance in 2008.
From 2008 on, with Marshall’s technology background, he directed Beza’s sole focus on integration of thought leadership in the executive disciplines necessary for world class performance. Beza and our associates during this time have impacted our executive clients on four continents at over 150 companies.
During this same period, Marshall’s development of our key best-of-breed solutions set approach made a big impact the lean transformation, S&OP, culture development, analytics, 3PL and executive coaching processes we use today.